You should NOT install any of the other ICH files provided here use this file on its own. This file should be used in place of any. This file combines the Full Set, Dawnguard, and Dragonborn files into a single plugin. Use this file if you have both DLCs and are using the " WAF Complete" or " WAF Complete Plus" file. ICH Combo - **Requires DAWNGUARD AND DRAGONBORN**

**You MUST first install Improved Closefaced Helmets, since none of the meshes are included here.** PLEASE NOTE: These are replacement files, not patch files, so they will take the place of, or overwrite, the original plugin files downloaded from the Improved Closefaced Helmets mod page. Not sure if Closefaced helmets has changed. This patch also includes changes from the Unofficial Patch, Guard Dialogue Overhaul, and Even Better Quest Objectives., so it can be used in place of separate patches for those mods." You DO NOT need this file if you are using the aMidianborn Content Addon file.

Make sure this file is loaded after both aMidianborn Skyforge Weapons.esp and Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp If you are using aMidianborn Skyforge Weapons.esp, then copy the patch file located in the "15 Patch ambSkyforge" folder into your data folder. More importantly, the guard dialog overhaul patch seems no longer available as an individual patches/file. The newest 5.0 of Complete Plus is bundled Weapon and Armor Fixes Remade (all-in-one installer) However, don't enable "Improved Closefaced Helmets_Legendary.esp" until the actual Improved Closefaced Helmets mod is installed in section 2.I, or you'll get guards walking around without helmets.