Mount and blade better faces
Mount and blade better faces

mount and blade better faces

Hit CTR + V to paste the code into the game.Hit B to take you to the banner editor.(This is important, else Windows will prevent the files from loading and cause the game to crash.) Uncheck the block box to unblock them.Right-click the two DLL files within the mod folder you just copied across to the M&B install.Copy across the folder to your Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord install, inside the modules folder.TaleWorlds Entertainment disabled the ability to paste code into the banner screen, so we need to install a mod to re-activate this feature. (The instructions provided are pretty good. (from other authors) Replaced one more vanilla female hair. Features: Merged Iboltax's Male Face Replacer with Adeline and Waswar's Female Face Replacer. Go to Reddit user Bizzfart's banner editor. It's a combination of mods that drastically improves faces of all characters, especially women.Become a butter lord: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord ($40 at GMG).Most will include instructions on how to install their particular mods so if you run into any problems, consult their instructions to see if anything was missed.It's easy to set and change your banner and colors in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, but did you know there's an unofficial, but super-easy way to create your very own banner? Compared to the options provided in-game, there's plenty of scope here to do pretty much whatever you want. Some mods may require additional steps if they include texture packs or other files that change the core gameplay. If you have not modded your game in the past, it will be set to native by default. When you launch the game select the drop down menu for modules and click on the mod you want to use.Once you are in the modules folder simply copy/cut and paste the folder containing your mod of choice into the modules folder.Navigate to the following file path from your steam directory: /steamapps/common/Mount and Blade Warband/Modules.Extract the mod folder from the compressed file.From this point the steps are as follows:

mount and blade better faces

I will assume you know how to find the mod (or follow one of the links below to the mod location) and download it. For those of you who may be new to modifying games, the directions are pretty simple. Installing mods for Warbands is pretty easy for anyone who has modded a game before.

Mount and blade better faces