It's a game engine thing that determines the difference between murder and killing, they're not treated the same even though they probably should be the same or similar. But if you were to murder Sunny Smiles outside of that quest you'd take a huge karma hit. So a quest like, "Run, Goodsprings Run," once the townsfolk turn hostile killing them does not have the major impact that it should. But when you kill good people there's no effect on karma. One thing of note, one of the difficulties with New Vegas, is how the game uses those variables to determine, "murder good folks." When you kill someone evil you often get a net karma gain (unless the creature or NPC is not flagged, which happens on many of the respawn ones). The readme shows the charts so you can see how this fixes it so karma loss from killing good people, stealing, cannibalism and such more than offsets the gains from killing evil people. Usually when I get to New Vegas around level 8 to 10 I'm either still neutral or just into the good spectrum, if I'm playing good. I wrote one myself and I use it all the time. There have been some mods that attempt to fix this. Aside from the message, the actual change is insignificant. Also, stealing stuff has next to zero actual effect on karma. What is funny is you gain more karma for killing an evil creature/person than you lose for eating them (cannibal) so it's a net gain.